(A) Tensile Testing of Engineering Materials
1) To understand different mechanical properties of materials.
2) To observe how the three types of materials behave in their mechanical properties under the tensile and bend test.
3) To understand the major factors which determine those mechanical properties.
We will learn how to use a universal tensile testing machine to conduct tests on distinct class of materials, such as a common polymeric materials (Polyethylene Terephtalate, PET), high performance Kevlar fibers, and a light-weight aluminium alloy. We will analyze the data, extract the critical properties, and discuss them for each class of materials.
(B) Scanning Electron Microscope
The main objective of this activity is to get familiar with the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and the most common detectors used to collect images and chemical data of materials.
The objectives will be a basic understanding and assimilation of the following:
1) Basics of Scanning Electron Microscopy theory and instrumentation
2) Basics of Signal Detection theory and instrumentation for Secondary Electrons (SE), Backscattered Electrons (BSE) and Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) detectors.
Outcome: To learn about scanning electron microscope through the use of stimulations
We will learn about the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) which is an important and routine tool in materials science. The SEM allows for visualization of topographical as well as chemical contrasts of materials at the sub-micron scale. We will understand electron/matter interactions and how such interactions are exploited to create images of materials surfaces. The physical principles of SEM operation, including generation of electron, magnetic lenses, and detector, will be introduced. We will have access to a virtual SEM which allows them to learn the operation principles of scanning electron microscopy without any risk of equipment damage.
(C) Composite Material Processing
The objective for this experiment is to introduce materials processing to the students. In this case, it is in composite materials.
1) To understand what is composite materials and how to fabricate them
2) To appreciate the applications of composite materials in daily life
3) To appreciate the mechanical properties of composites
We will be introduced to materials processing. We will prepare a glass-fiber reinforced composite materials such as used in aeronautic or sport good applications. Starting from pre-fabricated glass matt fibers, We will learn how to impregnate the matt with the resin matrix and cure the construct in order to create the final composite part. If time permits, the mechanical properties of the composite sample will be tested.
We are supposed to create a Blog, Report and Presentation Slides on the things that we learnt.